Today my aim was to finish the rest of my portfolio pages and export the portfolio successfully into my website so it can be easily viewed by potential clients.
As I had prepared the remaining images for the rest of the pages yesterday, I was able to focus on the aesthetic of each page rather than the issue of content. My biggest struggle was designing the page dedicated to the coastal cottage I had designed in my foundation year, as I didn't have as many images for it, but I wanted it to appear as aesthetically pleasing as the other pages. However after adding finishing touches to each page, I felt satisfied with the appearance of each project.
The next page I focused on was the education and skills page. I had been previously inspired by a section I had seen on an ISSU portfolio showing how experienced she was with each skill she had obtained, and I wanted to try and create a similar graph. I had made a list throughout creating each page, stating all the software I had used throughout my course, as well as personal hobbies which I felt linked to my course.
I created 2 separate sections, one stating my previous education, and the other displaying my various skills, from most experienced to least experienced.
My final challenge was to finalise the title page for my portfolio, and ensure that it was easy to navigate. I added my logo to the top of the page and labelled each of my pages inside the squares provided, using one of the materials I had used for each project as the background. Once I was satisfied with the final appearance, I decided to focus on uploading the finished portfolio tomorrow, as I had misjudged my time management for what needed to be done.