My last task for this project is to produce a finished rendered 3D model of what my co-working space should look like. The initial plan for this element of the project was to design my 'Work of Eden' space on SketchUp, however after various attempts to modify the changes I had made to the building, I found the challenge too difficult. Therefore, I decided that the next best way I could portray my 3D visual would be through an axonometric drawing.
Using the finished AutoCAD floor plan I had already rendered, I opened it up in photoshop and rotated the image to 30 degrees so I could draw over it accurately. It took a while to complete the finished outline, especially as I wanted all the lines to be as straight as possible and to the correct height of the building. However once I was certain that all my lines and furniture were as accurate as possible, I was very pleased with my finished model.
The last step was rendering my finished design. As the visual was a 3D drawing rather than a CGI model, I decided to make the rendered finishes more minimalistic. Using the materials that I had gathered for my floor plans and furniture, I used the eyedropper tool to select the feature colour from each object and used the brush tool to colour in my design. I also added in a few shadows to the finished product to show where the sunlight would hit when coming through the floor to ceiling windows.
Overall I was pleased with how the final 3D axonometric drawing came out, however I wish I could have used Sketchup to make my design development appear more professional. I will definitely be practicing my SketchUp skills over the Easter holidays so I feel more prepared for design projects in the future.